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The G-7 decided on the Ukrainian grain

Г-7 се произнесе за украинското зърно

Ukraine can export all grain harvested in 2023 through the Black Sea Corridor, the closing statement of the G7 online meeting said.

"As Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine continues to undermine global food security, we celebrate Ukraine's success in significantly expanding food exports through the Black Sea that will help feed the world."

"Thanks to Ukraine's maritime corridor and EU solidarity roads, Ukraine is on track to export its entire grain harvest in 2023 despite Russia's attacks on Ukrainian ports and its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative," the statement said.

"We will continue to help Ukraine export its grain and agricultural products to the most vulnerable nations, including through the implementation of the Grain Inspection Scheme, which Ukraine will lead this year," the statement added. "We call on Russia to end its efforts to disrupt food supplies and support safe commercial shipping in the Black Sea."

On February 10, Russia's UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said in an interview with TASS that Russia does not see conditions for resuming the grain deal. He said that the initial humanitarian goals of the Black Sea Grain Initiative were quickly replaced by commercial goals, so that "instead of helping the countries most in need, it was successfully implemented in the interests of Kyiv and the beneficiaries, including leading Western countries ".

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