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Grain at the Crossroads

Зърно на кръстопът

More ships carrying grain were diverted from the Suez Canal to the Cape of Good Hope this week after attacks on ships in the Red Sea, shipping analysts said Friday.

"A further 16 vessels were confirmed to have been diverted this week, bringing total grain cargoes diverted to around 3.9 million tonnes, up from 3 million tonnes last week," said Ishan Bhanu, lead agricultural commodity analyst at the data and analyst provider Kpler.

We recall that nearly 7 million tons of grain cargoes usually pass through the Suez Canal in the Red Sea every month.

But as often happens in life, problems for some present new opportunities for others. Kazakhstan has officially announced its willingness to act as a regional food supply hub to improve global food security.

The country is extremely serious about the development of the transit and transport sector in the region, realizing the potential key role of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), also known as the Middle Corridor, in strengthening the interaction between East and West.

The Middle Corridor has become a critical trade route between Europe and Asia, offering significant economic benefits and less transit time for landlocked countries in the region.

Compared to the Northern Corridor, the Middle Corridor provides a more cost-effective and faster trade route, reducing travel distance by 2,000 kilometers. It also benefits from more favorable weather conditions and reduces travel time by 15 days compared to sea routes.

The Middle Corridor opens up huge opportunities for cargo traffic in Asia, allowing goods to reach the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean region by integrating port connections in Turkey.

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