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What is aeroponics?

Какво представлява аеропониката?

Many people wonder why they should choose an aeroponic system over hydroponic or traditional farming. One of the main advantages of aeroponics is that you can grow plants quickly.

Aquaponics and hydroponics are well-known innovative agricultural technologies and products, but aeroponics is less well-known. It relies on growing plants in air or mist, without using soil or water. In aeroponics, the plant's roots extend into the air and the nutrient solution is applied directly to the roots, giving the plants exactly what they need.

For example, OnePointOne specialists build an aeroponics space in a vertical plane to save space, water and manual labor for farmers. Their growing technology uses 99 percent less water while planting 250 times more plants per acre (4 acres).

The technology is 100 percent pesticide and herbicide free and features high-resolution hyperspectral imaging to analyze plant quality at the molecular level.

This system is part of the so-called smart agriculture, which will be the focus of events in 2024 as well, because it represents a concept that implements technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture.

Robots and drones are already replacing traditional farming operations such as harvesting, weeding, watering and applying fertilizer to crops.

Drone and satellite imagery combined with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology provides a high-resolution, location-specific view of the field.

In addition, IoT devices powered by sensor technology collect real-time field data, allowing farmers to make data-driven decisions.

In conclusion, we can summarize that the widespread adoption of precision agriculture and indoor cultivation in recent years gives increasing confidence to the challenges related to nutrition and survival of the human species.

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