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It's not all grain, but it's all politics

Не всичко е зърно, но всичко е политика

In recent days, all news channels have been commenting on the world food crisis. A crisis that turns out to be a very profitable business for certain countries.

The now defunct Black Sea Corridor was created with the main idea of ​​keeping the African population from starving. But according to official UN data, only a small fraction of the grain has reached the continent through the corridor.

Today, no one denies that the main amount ended up in Europe, but according to Brussels, it was precisely this that prevented the shock increase in food prices in the EU.

Russia's "surprise" withdrawal from the deal came after numerous warnings that world powers ignored. As a result, European agriculture received a much-needed breather without the EU abandoning its "solidarity" with Ukraine.

In the new situation, Russia is again pointed to as the main culprit of world hunger. Reuters reports that the Asian-African nations are demanding that the Kremlin return to the agreement, and that without the grain from Ukraine, they face widespread starvation.

An interesting fact is that in the USDA report from April this year it says "Egypt's wheat purchases from Ukraine are down 73.6% in 2021-2022 as Egypt turns to other sources."

A few days ago, Supply Minister Ali Moselhi said the impact of the end of the grain deal was minimal for the country, and that Egypt had diversified its sources of wheat imports and that its stocks would cover the country's needs for five months.

Days after, at the Russia-Africa International Forum, Putin said, "African countries still suffer from colonialism, but Russia is making real efforts to ease the debt burden of African countries" and forgave a significant portion of their debts, he put his hand on much of the continent, proclaiming himself a savior.

Since the beginning of the war, Europe has imposed a series of "severe" sanctions against Moscow, so severe that they even "forced" the Kremlin to leave the grain agreement. But what really happened to Russian exports?

According to data from the authoritative consulting company SovEcon, the total Russian export of wheat in July this year totaled 4.4 million tonnes, compared to 2.5 million tonnes for July 2022 and a historical July average of 2.8 million tonnes.

In the last week of July, Russia exported 930,000 tonnes of grain, compared with 1.2 million tonnes a week earlier, including 900,000 tonnes of wheat, compared with 1.1 million tonnes a week earlier, SovEcon said in its weekly note , referring to port data.

As long as the "white" countries are holding down inflation with Ukrainian grain, while Ukraine has unlimited access to European markets and money, while Russia is seamlessly expanding across an entire continent, there is a long wait for someone to sit down at the negotiating table. And what about the "poor" countries? Well, they will remain poor, but they have their new messiah!

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