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New transport lines around the world

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Uzbekistan in 2023, the press service of Kazakhstan Temir Joly (KTZ) or Kazakhstan Railways reported.
"In 2023, cargo exports to China, Uzbekistan, Russia increased compared to 2022. Deliveries to Russia increased by 1.1 million tons last year to 34.6 million tons. In the structure of exports coal supplies were 20.3 million tons, of which 8.9 million tons of solid fuel were transited to third countries through Russia, in addition, 4.5 million tons of chemicals and sodium were transited, 1.7 million tons of petroleum products, 1 million tons of grain," the report said.
Shipments by rail to China rose 35% last year compared to 2022 to 12.7 million tonnes, with exports of grain, non-ferrous metals and petroleum products rising significantly.
"Railway cargo exports to Uzbekistan increased by 29% to 10 million tons, with petroleum products, chemicals and mineral fertilizers, ferrous metals delivered. About 3.5 million tons of grain were exported. Coal exports has increased by 1.4 million tons to 3.1 million tons," the press service announced.
China also boasted a rise in exports, asserting itself even more strongly on the global transport map. Yangpu Port's cargo turnover exceeded 58 million tons in 12 months, an increase of 8.56%.

The port continues to carry out duty-free fueling and registration of floating equipment. There are now 43 international vessels registered with a total cargo capacity of more than 5.3 million tons, a figure that ranks second in the PRC.
The port serves 45 sea trade routes passing through it. It is connected to all coastal cities in China and key ports in Southeast Asia. Participates in intercontinental transport in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.
In 2024, the port plans to attract state investment of 770 million yuan (about $108 million) to build grain and oil terminals. They will have a capacity of 4.5 million tons. After the modernization, the port will be able to receive tankers equipped to transport more than 50,000 tons of the relevant raw materials.
By 2027, it is also planned to expand the reception station for liquefied natural gas, which will allow up to 6 million tons of this energy carrier to be brought into the port annually.
This industrial zone of advanced economic development plays an important role in the development of a unified high-efficiency transportation network of the PRC. According to the plan of the Chinese government, by 2035, Yangpu will become a key center for distributing the flow of goods from different regions of the country to Southeast Asia and Oceania, to Europe and North America.

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