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Little known facts about agriculture

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The agricultural sector is one of the largest industries in the world. The total world population is expected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050. This rapid population growth raises the expectations on agriculture to meet the increased demand.

The agricultural industry is full of amazing facts. Today we will introduce you to some of them.

Few people are aware of the fact that agriculture is the largest employer in the world. The agricultural industry is full of job opportunities ranging from desk jobs to field work - there is something for everyone. One of the most interesting facts about the agricultural industry is that it is the largest employer in the world, employing nearly 40 percent of the world's population.

Another curious point is that almost everything we eat and wear is a product of agriculture. Look around you and you'll find that almost everything you eat or wear comes from the crops and livestock raised on farms - therefore a product of the ever-expanding agricultural industry. The list of products is too long to list, ranging from cotton and wool to all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

A new study has found that farmers need to increase food production by 70% to cater for a growing population by 2035.

The world population is increasing daily and so is the demand for agricultural products. Total food production must increase by 70 percent, not only to meet the needs of this wealthier and more urbanized population, but also to avoid food shortages and the risks of global famine. Growing social, political and economic factors are creating hunger problems that can only be solved by increasing agricultural activities.

The widespread opinion that agriculture is a trademark of the male half of humanity was disproved by statistics. According to recent data, 43% of global agriculture consists of women. Women represent a significant percentage (about 43%) of the global agricultural sector. In developing countries, women are responsible for 60% to 80% of food production.

Organic farming is ten times more profitable than conventional farming. The goal of organic farming is to improve and preserve soil health by using sustainable farming methods. It is very labor intensive and requires 2.5 times more labor than conventional farming. Despite the labor costs, however, it brings ten times the profits. The input costs of organic farms are low, resulting in huge cost savings for farmers.

Approximately 56 percent of total food production comes from family farms. Small families run over 57 million farms worldwide. These family businesses range from small farms to large farms where revolutionized technology is used agricultural practices.

Farmers are much more high-tech than people usually imagine. It is no longer as we were taught in the history books where all tasks involved manual labor. Over the years, farming practices have evolved, agro-technology has become an integral part of the field and farmers have invested in high-tech machinery to make their lives easier and increase their production.

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