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USA with praise for grain production in Bulgaria

САЩ с похвали за зърнопроизводството в България
Our work is related to the objective coverage of what is happening in our native and global agriculture. Everyone in the country is aware of the problems of the Bulgarian grain producer, but looked across the ocean, the picture is presented in a different way.

In recent months, Bulgaria did not provide information on exports to the EU, but the data did not remain hidden for FAS - USDA. The following material reflects only what was written in the report.

High opening stocks, good export demand and competitive prices have pushed Bulgaria's 2023-24 wheat exports to 3 million tonnes as of early November, up 260% from the previous year, according to a report by the Ministry of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service of the USA (FAS - USDA).

However, an unseasonably dry and warm autumn made sowing of winter crops a challenge, with wheat sowings behind by 26%. Those on rye lag behind with 63%, and on triticale with 41%. Rain in early November, while a relief, did not dramatically change the situation, FAS said.

The forecasted rainfall is expected to support the early development of fall trees. Sowing is expected to be completed by the end of the month. Initial expectations for the 23/24 season are for the production of 6.3 million tons of wheat.

Regarding the 22/23 crop, the report said farmers were eager to sell due to relatively good yields and record ending stocks. Although prices remained lower than the previous marketing year, they still ensured a positive margin for producers, according to FAS experts.

Of the 3 million tonnes of exports, 2.2 million tonnes were exported to non-EU countries. The main non-EU destinations are South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Morocco and Algeria.

God - high, king - far, but when someone starts counting your profit, you can feel fully integrated in the new, global world!

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