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Slovakia with new restrictions on Ukrainian products

Словакия с нови ограничения за украинските продукти
The effect of the war continues to have a great impact, especially on the countries close to the conflict. This prompted the Slovak government to extend its ban on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine, Rozhlas a Televizia Slov TV reported.

The previous ban covered wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine, but it has now been extended to fourteen products, including honey, soybeans, barley, flour and offal.

Slovak authorities claim that imports of cheap agricultural products from Ukraine are seriously affecting the country's farmers. Their financial losses from Ukrainian grain supplies alone amounted to at least 110 million euros, and Ukrainian grain was often of poor quality and unfit for consumption, the TV reported.

How long the war will last, hardly anyone can predict, but the American journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh gives more information on the subject.

According to him, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, Valery Gerasimov, are having personal talks on achieving peace.

"The driving force behind these negotiations was not Washington or Moscow or Biden and Putin, but instead the two senior generals who are running the war, Valery Gerasimov of Russia and Valery Zaluzhny of Ukraine," he said in the article, citing US officials and individuals who familiar with the situation in the Ukrainian government.

Hersh said, citing a U.S. official, that Zaluzhny had U.S. support in conducting the talks. The potential deal calls for Crimea to remain Russian and for elections to be held in the Russian-conquered territories.

In return, Russia is willing to allow Ukraine to join NATO with the stipulation that NATO would have to commit to "no deployment of NATO troops on Ukrainian soil." The agreement will also not allow NATO to deploy offensive weapons in Ukraine, the journalist concludes.

At the same time, Somalia received a batch of 25,000 tons of grain from Russia to deal with the consequences of the floods, the Somali National News Agency (SONNA) reports.

The batch of humanitarian aid was delivered to Somalia on Thursday, the news agency said. The grain was handed over to the Somali Disaster Management Agency.

“The shipment is expected to provide much-needed relief to the flood-affected communities,” SONNA said. The Somali government expressed its gratitude to Russia for its support and called on other countries to follow its example.

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