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Turkey with growth in oil production

Турция с ръст в производството на маслодайни

According to a USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) report, Turkey's oilseed production will increase in the 2024-25 marketing year, due to growth in sunflower, soybean and cottonseed acreage, as well as favorable weather forecasts. , which are expected to persist throughout the growing season.

A report by the Global Agricultural Information Network says a 12 percent increase in total oilseed production is projected, to 3.1 million tons.

"This increase in production is due to strong domestic demand for oilseeds and their related by-products, continued government support to farmers and expected favorable weather conditions throughout the year," the report's pages read.

FAS notes that the Turkish government continues to make payments to farmers to stimulate oilseed production. A production premium is paid based on the quantity produced and a separate payment is made on an acreage basis to offset rising fuel and fertilizer costs, the report said.

Sunflower production is expected to increase by 8% to 1.675 million tonnes to meet rising consumption, which is expected to rise to 2.4 million tonnes, up 300,000 tonnes from the previous year, FAS said. Imports are also expected to rise by 175,000 tonnes to 775,000.

The FAS also forecast a slight increase in soybean production with an increase of 10,000 tonnes to a record 150,000 tonnes. Turkey remains heavily dependent on soybean imports to meet its consumption, which is expected to reach 3.2 million tonnes in 2024-25.

The recent surge in sunflower oil imports is expected to continue into the next marketing year, according to FAS, noting that "the majority of this imported oil will be refined and re-exported to neighboring markets."

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