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Как се движи износът от Русия?

How are exports from Russia moving?

Moscow announced that this season's grain deliveries exceeded last year's by 9%, including wheat deliveries, which registered a growth of 2.4%. According to Elena Tyurina, director of the analytical department...

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Нови производствени данни определят търговията

New production data sets trade

Black Sea market analysts at SovEcon raised their forecast for the 2024-25 Russian wheat crop by 0.9 million tonnes to 92.2 million tonnes, reflecting favorable weather conditions for winter wheat...

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Световната търговия се раздвижи

World trade has moved

Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has announced that it wants to buy a total of 88,710 tonnes of bread wheat from the United States and Canada in...

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Кризата в САЩ удари тежко земеделието

The US crisis hit agriculture hard

The Federal Reserve's fight against inflation and a rising U.S. dollar have taken a toll on agriculture, manufacturing and the food industry, according to CoBank's latest report. High manufacturing costs...

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Световните запаси от пшеница се увеличават

World wheat stocks are increasing

In its latest report, the USDA increased global wheat ending stocks for the 2023-24 marketing year by another 1.8 million tonnes to 260 million tonnes. On the supply side, opening...

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Новите транспортни линии по света

New transport lines around the world

Uzbekistan in 2023, the press service of Kazakhstan Temir Joly (KTZ) or Kazakhstan Railways reported. "In 2023, cargo exports to China, Uzbekistan, Russia increased compared to 2022. Deliveries to Russia...

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Търговците се завръщат на пазара

Traders return to the market

Leading South Korean animal feed manufacturer Nonghyup Feed Inc. (NOFI) bought nearly 135,000 tonnes of corn in two deliveries in an international auction from Tuesday, European traders said. The one...

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Как стартираха пазарите?

How did the markets start?

Euronext wheat rose on Friday, but fell sharply for the year after strong export competition from the Black Sea region belied concerns that the war would disrupt trade in the...

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Русия вдига износните мита

Russia raises export tariffs

The duty on wheat exports to Russia will be increased to 4,165.9 rubles ($46.51) per tonne from January 11, 2024, up from the current rate of 3,859.7 rubles ($43.09) per...

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