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Мексико увеличава вноса на царевица

Mexico increases corn imports

The drought will force Mexico to import between 14 million and 16 million tons of yellow corn in 2024, the country's Agriculture Minister Victor Villalobos said. He said imports were...

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Полското недоволство предизвика гнева на Украйна

Polish discontent angered Ukraine

Polish truck drivers and farmers have been staging protests at multiple border crossings with the neighboring country for several months. They vented their anger at EU officials, demanding they scrap...

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Фермерите в САЩ с нови проблеми

US farmers with new problems

With commodity prices and farm incomes expected to decline in 2024, U.S. farmers expressed a more pessimistic outlook in a January survey by Purdue University and the CME Group. The...

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Какво ще бъде световното производство на зърно?

What will world grain production be?

Total cereal production in 2023-24 will reach record levels, according to the latest cereal supply and demand report by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The report, released on...

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Щатите превземат световните пазари?

The US is taking over world markets?

U.S. agricultural exports face strong trade shocks, including the strength of the U.S. dollar and increased competition. This makes market diversification our top priority, said Alexis Taylor, US Department of...

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